An elderly woman with short white hair, wearing glasses and a light pink blouse, relaxes in a gray armchair with a light-colored blanket draped over her lap. She has her eyes closed and appears peaceful. Sunlight streams in through a nearby window, highlighting green plants in the background.

Can Dementia Affect Your Sleep?

Posted on April 6, 2022

Changes in normal sleep patterns are a common part of aging. Many adults report becoming…

Three generations of women smile warmly for the camera. A young girl with curly hair and a red dress sits on her grandmother's lap. The grandmother has short, curly gray hair and wears a light blue top. The mother, with curly hair, wears a pink shirt.

What Causes Memory Loss and Forgetfulness?

Posted on March 11, 2022

There are many exciting aspects of aging – more free time in retirement, the opportunity…

A woman in a denim shirt is pouring tea from a white teapot for three elderly people seated around a glass table, all dressed in casual, cozy clothing. They are engaged in conversation, and the setting appears to be a bright and comfortable indoor space.

Trivia for Seniors with Dementia

Posted on March 7, 2022

The Alzheimer’s Association categorizes dementia, not as a specific disease, but as a term that…

Elderly woman with short hair sits on a wicker chair outdoors. She wears a light blue blouse and smiles gently at the camera. Greenery and a wooden structure are blurred in the background. She has her arms folded and appears relaxed and content.

Types of Dementia

Posted on January 26, 2022

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, as many as seven percent of adults over the age…

A smiling elderly man with short white hair and a checkered shirt. He has a warm, friendly expression and is looking directly at the camera. The background is blurred, suggesting he might be indoors with natural light coming in from behind.

What is Memory Care?

Posted on December 20, 2021

There are many choices when it comes to living environments for seniors. These choices vary…

An elderly woman with short gray hair and a striped shirt sits on a park bench, smiling and holding hands with a young woman with long blonde hair in a green dress. They appear to be enjoying a pleasant conversation outdoors with trees in the background.

What are the Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Posted on December 17, 2021

According to data gathered by the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s accounts for up to 80 percent…

An elderly woman with short white hair and glasses is sitting on a beige armchair. She is smiling and wearing a knitted sweater. A small, partially visible, white basket with pink ribbon sits on a glass table in front of her. The background has light-colored curtains.

Memory Care Decorating Ideas

Posted on October 28, 2021

In 2020, there were more than 50 million people around the world living with some…

An elderly woman with white hair, wearing a pink striped shirt, is sitting outside and laughing while holding a teacup and saucer. She is engaging in a pleasant conversation with another person whose back is to the camera. Decorative plants are in the background.

Is Dementia a Normal Part of Aging?

Posted on October 7, 2021

As you age, you may begin to notice that it takes longer than it used…

An elderly woman with short gray hair smiles while lifting a blue dumbbell. She is wearing a white shirt and is receiving assistance from a person in a blue shirt, whose arm is visible in the foreground. The background is bright and slightly blurred.

What Are the Advantages of Assisted Living?

Posted on September 29, 2021

Serving as a caretaker for an aging loved one is a challenging and rewarding experience….

A diverse group of senior adults and a younger adult engage in a lively, colorful painting activity at a table. They smile, laugh, and share brushes and paint, creating artwork together in a bright, cheerful room.

Finding Good Activities for Someone with Dementia

Posted on September 2, 2021

The American Geriatrics Society reports that up to 7% of adults over the age of…

A young woman with brown hair in a ponytail, wearing a purple uniform, smiles warmly at an elderly woman with white hair and glasses. The elderly woman is also smiling and holding the young woman's hand. They are indoors, seated by a window.

How Does Hospice Work in Assisted Living?

Posted on August 30, 2021

If you are considering housing options for a senior loved one, the choices can be…

A young woman in a white blouse is gently placing her hand on the shoulder of an older woman with short gray hair, who is sitting and smiling at her. The setting appears to be a cozy home environment with neutral tones.

Understanding the Difference Between Dementia vs Delirium Symptoms

Posted on May 26, 2021

As your senior loved one ages, you may begin noticing subtle shifts in their health…

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